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Wednesday, October 20, 2021

✦ Al Quran : Indeed, the righteous will be among gardens and


✦ Al Quran : Indeed, the righteous will be among gardens and springs Accepting what their Lord has given them. Indeed, they were before that doers of good They used to sleep but little of the night And in the hours before dawn they would ask forgiveness And from their properties was [given] the right of the [needy] petitioner and the deprived.

Surah Adh-Dhariyaat - 51:15-19


✦: Hadith : There are some slaves of Allah, to whom Allah gives blessings (Provisions) to benefit his slaves


✦: Hadith :  There are some slaves of Allah, to whom Allah gives blessings (Provisions) to benefit his slaves
✦: Rasool-Allah Sallallahu Alalhi Wasallam Said there are some slaves of Allah, to whom Allah gives blessings (Provisions) to benefit his slaves , If they spent on them Allah keeps continue his blessings and if they withhold , Allah took back his blessings from them and give it to someone else.
SilSIla As-Sahiha 1342


✦: An Angel says: O Allah, forgive your servant, as he has retired in a state of purity



✦: An Angel says: O Allah, forgive your servant, as he has retired in a state of purity
✦: Rasool-Allah Sallallahu Alalhi Wasallam  said, Purify these bodies of yours, that Allah may purify you. If any servant Sleeps in the night in a state of purity (with Abluiton) an angel resides with him in his bed  and Every time he turns in his bed during sleep,  the angel says  O Allah, forgive your servant, as he has slept in a state of purity. (With Ablution) 
Al-Mu’jam Al Awsat -Tabrani 5087-Hasan
Sahi Al Jame 3936-Hasan

Saturday, October 2, 2021

✦: The Treatment of High Blood Pressure


✦: The Treatment of High Blood Pressure
✦: Rasool-Allah Sallallahu Alalhi Wasallam said When the blood of any one of you boils ( Blood pressure increses) , then let him be treated with cupping (Hijama) because when the blood boils It may kill the person
Silsila -As-Sahiha 2289- Sahih


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