✦ : Dua to recite at the sight of the new moon
✦ : RasoolAllah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam used to supplicate at the sight of the new moon with these words
اللَّهُمَّ أَهِلَّهُ علَيْنَا بِالأَمْنِ والإِيمَانِ وَالسَّلامَةِ والإِسْلامِ ، رَبّي ورَبُّكَ اللَّه
Allahumma ahillahu alaina bil-amni wal-iman, was-salamati wal-Islam, Rabbi wa Rabbuk-Allah,
O Allah, let this moon appear on us with security and Iman; with safety and Islam. (O moon!) Your RABB and mine is ALLAH,
Jamia Tirmidhi -3451-Hasan