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Monday, March 12, 2018

❗ Only-Quran-Hadith Quiz-349❗

 Only-Quran-Hadith Quiz-349

Kindly reply both quiz together like this CD / BA

 Quiz 1 : One of the Sahabi used to prepare food for the Prophet Sal-Allahu Alaihi wasallam and when it was brought back to him he asked to locate the part, where his fingers had touched the food, and he followed his fingers on that part where the fingers of the Prophet Sal-Allahu Alaihi wasallam had touched it.
What is the name of that sahabi ?

A. Anas Radi Allahu anhu
B. Zaid Radi Allahu anhu
C. Abu Bakr Radi Allahu anhu
D. Aby Ayyub Ansari Radi Allahu anhu
E. None of the above
F. I want to know

Quiz 2 :  Once that sahabi prepared a food for the Prophet Sal-Allahu Alaihi wasallam but there was some thing inside that's why the Prophet Sal-Allahu Alaihi wasallam did not eat what was that thing ?

A. Garlic
B. Onion
C. Garlic and Onion both
D. Fish
E. None of the above
F. I want to know

Answer DA

Abu Ayyub Ansari used to prepare food for Allah's Apostle () ; and when it was brought (back) to him he asked (to locate) the part, where his fingers had touched (the food), and he followed his fingers on that part where his fingers (those of the Holy Prophet) had touched it.
(One day) he prepared food which contained garlic, and when it was returned to him he asked (to locate) the part which the fingers of Allah's Apostle () had touched. It was said to him that he had not eaten (the food). He (Abd Ayyub Ansari) was distressed and went up to him (to the Holy Prophet) and said: Is it forbidden? But Allah's Messenger () said: No, (it is not forbidden), but I do not like it. and he (Abu Ayyub Ansari) said: I also do not like what you do not like or which you did not like. He (Abu Ayyub Ansari) said: (The Prophet did not eat garlic) as Allah's Apostle () was visited (by angels) and brought him the message of Allah.
Sahih Muslim, Book 23, Hadith 5099

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