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Saturday, December 16, 2017


✦ The enemy shall muster strength against Muslims in Syria and the Muslims will muster strength against them 

✦ Narrated By Yasir Bin jabber Radi Allahu Anhu Once there blew a red storm in Kufah that there came a person who had nothing to say but (these words): 
Abdullah b. Masud, the Last Hour has come. He ( Abdullah b. Masud) was sitting reclining against something, and he said: The Last Hour would not come until 
the people divide in- heritance and rejoice over booty.

✦ And then said pointing towards Syria, with the gesture of his hand like this: The enemy shall muster strength against Muslims and the Muslims will muster 
strength against them (in Syria). I said: You mean Rome? And he said: Yes, and there would be a terrible fight and the Muslims would prepare a detachment 
(for fighting unto death) which would not return but victorious. They will fight until night will intervene them; both the sides will return without being 
victorious and both will be wiped out. 

✦ The Muslims will again prepare a detachment for fighting unto death so that they may not return but victorious. When it would be the fourth day, a new 
detachment out of the remnant of the Muslims would be prepared and Allah will decree that the enemy should be routed. 
Sahih Muslim, Book 41, Hadith 6927

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