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Monday, December 18, 2017

✦ If you like to meet Allah as a Muslim , regularly pray five daily prayers


✦ If you like to meet Allah as a Muslim , regularly pray five daily prayers
✦ It was narrated that Abdullah bin masood Radi Allahu Anhu said Whoever would like to meet Allah tomorrow as a Muslim, let him regularly attend these five (daily) prayers whenever the call for them is given ( in the Masjid), for Allah prescribed for His Prophet the ways of guidance, and they (the prayers) are part of those ways of guidance.if you were to pray in your houses and forsake the Masjids, you would be forsaking the Sunnah of your Prophet, and if you were to forsake the Sunnah of your Prophet you would go astray.

Sunan Nasaii,Book 10, 850-Sahih

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