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Friday, December 15, 2017

✦ The sunnah way of giving Divorce ✦


✦ The sunnah way of giving Divorce ✦ 
✦ It was narrated from Abdullah Radi Allahu Anhu that he said The Sunnah divorce is a divorce issued when she is pure (not menstruating) without having had 
intercourse with her. If she menstruates and becomes pure again, give her another divorce, and if she menstruates and becomes pure again, give her another 
divorce, then after that, she should wait for another menstrual cycle." (One of the narrators) Al-A'mash said: "I asked Ibrahim, and he said something 
Sunan Nasaii, Jild Book 27, 3423-Hasan

✦ Narrated by Mahmud bin Labid Radi Allahu Anhu The Messenger of Allah was told about a man who had divorced his wife with three simultaneous divorces. He 
stood up angrily and said: Is the Book of Allah being toyed with while I am still among you? Then a man stood up and said: 'O Messenger of Allah, shall I 
kill him?'"
Sunan Nasaii, Jild Book 27, Hadith 3430-Sahih

It was narrated from Ibn Tawus, from his father, that Abu As-Sahba' came to Ibn 'Abbas Radi Allahu Anhu and said "O Ibn 'Abbas Radi Allahu Anhu ! Did you 
not know that the threefold divorce during the time of the Messenger of Allah and Abu Bakr, and during the early part of 'Umar's Caliphate, used to be 
counted as one divorce?" He said: "Yes."

Sunan Nasaii, Jild Book 27, Hadith 3435-Sahih

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