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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

✦ Hadith : His reward will be like that of one who goes for hajj pilgrimage


✦ Hadith : His reward will be like that of one who goes for hajj pilgrimage
✦ Narrated Abu Umamah Radi Allahu Anhu The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: If anyone goes out from his house after performing ablution for saying the prescribed prayer in congregation (in the mosque), his reward will be like that of one who goes for hajj pilgrimage after wearing ihram . And he who goes out to say the mid-morning (duha) prayer, and takes the trouble for this purpose, will take the reward like that of a person who performs umrah. And a 
prayer followed by a prayer with no worldly talk during the gap between them will be recorded in Illiyyun.
Sunan Abu dawud, Book 2, 558-Hasan

✦ The Prophet Sal-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam said If any one of you performs ablution and performs it very well, and goes out for prayer, if he take his right step , Allah records a good deeds (or blessing) for him, and as he take his left step Allah removes one sin from him. Any one of you may reside near (the mosque) or far from it; if he comes to the mosque and prays in congregation, he will be forgiven (by Allah). 
Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 2, 563-Sahih

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