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Monday, December 18, 2017

*Process of Funeral Prayer in the light of Sahih Ahadith*


*Process of Funeral Prayer in the light of Sahih Ahadith*

1. Funeral prayer has four takbir
Narrated Abu Huraira radi allahu anhu 
Allah's Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam informed about the news of the death of An-Najash on the day he died. He went out with us to the Musalla and we aligned in rows and he said four Takbirs for An-Najashi's funeral prayer.
Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 2, Book 23, Hadith 417

2. Pronounce the first Takbir and recite Surah fatiha :
It was narrated that Abu Umamah radi allahu anhu said:
"Its Sunnah, when offering the funeral prayer, is to recite Umm Al-Quran (Surah Al fatiha) quietly in the first Takbir'
Sunan Nasaii, Vol. 3, Book 21, 1991-Sahih

3. Pronounce the second Takbir and recite Durud e Ibrahim :
Allahumma salli ala-Muhammad wa ala aal-e-Muhammad, kama salayta ala Ibrahim wa ala aal-e-Ibrahim innaka Hameed-um-Majeed; Allahumma barik ala Muhammad wa ala Aal-e-Muhammad, kama barakta ala Ibrahim wa ala aal-e-Ibrahim innaka Hameed-um-Majeed.

4. Pronounce the third Takbir and recite below dua :
It was narrated from Abu Ibrahim Al-Ansari, from his father radi allahu anhuma that:
he heard the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, when offering the funeral prayer for one who had died: 
Allahummighfir lihayyina wa mayyitina wa shahidina wa gha'ibina wadhakarina wa unthana wa saghirina wa kabirina 
(O Allah, forgive our living and our dead, those who are present among us and those who are absent, our males and our females, our young and our old).
Sunan Nasaii, Book 21, 1988-Sahih

5. After completing this dua (supplication), pronounce the fourth Takbir and Say Taslim(Salam on right side) immediately after pronouncing fourth Takbir.

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