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Saturday, December 23, 2017

✦ Hadith : Good character and long silence are very heavy in scale (meezan)


✦ Hadith : Good character and long silence are very heavy in scale (meezan)
Narrated by Anas radi Allahu anhu Once RasoolAllah Sal-Allahu alaihi wasallam met to Abu Dharr Radi Allahu anhu and said Oh Abu dharr Shall I not tell you two deeds which are very easy to do and very heavy in scale (meezan) , he said why not Ya RasoolAllah Sal-Allahu alaihi wasallam, (please do tell me), RasoolAllah Sal-Allahu alaihi wasallam said Adhere (stick on) Good character and long silence , By Him in Whose Hand my life is, there are no other deeds of the creations is equal to them.

Al-Silsila-tus-Sahiha, Hadees # 202

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