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Saturday, December 23, 2017

✦ Hadith : When you give up jihad Allah will make disgrace prevail over you


✦ Hadith : When you give up jihad Allah will make disgrace prevail over you
✦ Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar Radi Allahu Anhu I heard the Rasool Allah ﷺ said When you enter into the *inah transaction, hold the tails of oxen, are 
pleased with agriculture, and give up conducting jihad (struggle in the way of Allah). Allah will make disgrace prevail over you, and will not withdraw it until you return to your original religion. (Untill you start Jihad for the oprressed people in te way of Allah)
Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 23, 3455-Sahih

* inah transaction means a transaction or business in which seller sells some goods to buyer for some fix terms with high price and in the same time that seller again Re-buy that goods from that buyer with low price , in this way the buyer get some cash money from the seller but he has too bear lose in this whole process.

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