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Thursday, January 4, 2018

Allah is the most merciful-SubhanAllah


Allah is the most merciful-SubhanAllah
✦ Hadith :  Abu Dhar radi Allahu anhu narrated that RasoolAllah ﷺ  said , On the Day of Qiyamah a person will be brought forward to the court of Almighty Allah. It shall be commanded that all the minor sins of that person be put forward to him and the major sins be concealed [hidden]. When the minor sins are disclosed to that person, he will accept that he had committed them, as there will be no room for refuting them. (He will begin to tremble and say in his heart that these are only the minor sins, what will happen when the major sins are exposed.) During this happening it shall be commanded that for every sin of that person he be given the ajr (thawaab-reward) of a good deed. 

✦ Upon hearing (this amazing mercy of Allah of bad deeds turning to good deeds), this person himself will say - "I still have many sins left to account for, that are not seen here.” (he hopes that even his major sins will turn into good deeds)

✦ Abu Dhar radi Allahu anhu says, “RasoolAllah ﷺ   while narrating the words of that person began laughing until his blessed teeth began to show.” (The reason being that the person himself disclosed the very sins he was frightened of.)
Al Silsila As-Sahiha , 3679

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