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Friday, April 27, 2018

❗ Only-Quran-Hadith Quiz 367❗

❗ Only-Quran-Hadith Quiz 367❗

❗Kindly reply all three quiz like this ACD / BCE

❗Quiz 1 : When Yazeed came to know that the governor of kufa nauman bin basheer is dealing softly with Musleem bin aqeel , yazeed replace him with one cruel governor , who was he ?

A. Waleed bin utba

B. Ibn ziyad

C. Shimar

D. Amr bin saeed

E. None of the above

F. I want to know

❗Quiz 2 : Who gave the order to kill Muslim bin aqeel (The cousine of Hussain radi allahu anhu) ?

A. Waleed bin utba

B. Amr bin saeed

C. Shimar

D. Yazeed

E. None of the above

F. I want to know

❗Quiz 3 : A person gave shelter to musleem bin aqeel in kufa and protect him from governor and because of this , he got killed and his head was sent to yazeed , who was he ?

A. Abdullah bin umar

B. Hani bin urwah

C. Nauman bin basheer

D. Abu Dharr Aslami

E. None of the above

F. I want to know

Answer BDB
✦ The letter of Yazid to ibn ziyad
Yazid stating, "I am appointing you as the new governor of Kufa, as well as Basra. You may appoint someone else as your deputy in Basra. I would like you to go to Kufa immediately and take full charge there. The situation is urgent because Imam Husain has sent a representative, Muslim bin Aqeel, to Kufa on his behalf, who is seeking allegiance from the people of Kufa and turning them against the government. Just find him and execute him
Tarikh Ibn kathir, Book 4, The Chapter on karbala
(According Tarikh At tabri yazeed said you may ask Muslim bin Aqeel to leave Kufa, or you may execute him.)
✦ The arrest of Hani bin Urwah
When Hani bin urwah arrived at The governor's house he was arrested and questioned about why he had opposed King Yazid, and why he had alllowed Muslim bin Aqeel to stay at his house, and why he had held meetings in his home trying to persuade others to also oppose Yazid. Hani denied the allegations but The governor told him that he had got the information from someone who attended those meetings. Hani told The governor that his informant was lying, upon which The governor pointed to his slave and asked Hani if he recognised him. Hani had no choice but to confirm that he did, but swore by Allah that he had not invited Muslim bin Aqeel into his house, but had felt too ashamed to turm him away when he presented himself as a guest.
Tarikh Ibn kathir, Book 4, The Chapter on karbala

✦ Execution of Muslim bin aqeel and Hani bin urwah After the execution of Muslim bin aqeel and Hani bin urwah, Ibn zyad cut both's head and sent to yazeed (in syria) , yazeed replied , whatever I wanted you did the same, You make me fearless now, as I have heard about you ,you are same like this. I have got the news that Hussain radi allahu anhu has left for iraq , If anybody dont fight among them , you dont kill them and kepe updating me about them.
Taarkh Al-Tabri, JIld 4, The Chapter on karbala

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