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Friday, April 27, 2018

❗ Only-Quran-Hadith Quiz 369❗

❗ Only-Quran-Hadith Quiz 369❗

❗ Kindly reply all three quiz like this ACD / CDA

❗Quiz 1 : When the Hussain Radi allahu anhu was martyred that time where the yazeed was?

A. Karbala

B. Kufa

C. Syria

D. Madina

E. None of the above

F. I want to know

❗Quiz 2 : When the ibn ziyad was tapping the teeth of imam Husain radi allahu anhu with a stick after his death , Which sahabi got angry and said Do not tap your stick on those teeth. I have seen those being kissed by our Prophet?

A. Abu Saeed khudri Radi allahu anhu

B. Nauman bin basheer Radi ALlahu anhu

C. Zaid bin arqam Radi Allahu Anhu

D. Abdullah ibn Abbas Radi allahu anhu

E. None of the above

F. I want to know

❗Quiz 3 : When the Head of imam hussain radi allahu anhu was sent to Yazeed he tapped with his stick on the teeth of imam hussain and that time also a sahabi got angry , who was he ?

A. Zaid bin arqam Radi Allahu Anhu

B. Nauman bin basheer Radi ALlahu anhu

C. Abu Barza Aslami Radi Allahu Anhu

D. Abu Saeed khudri Radi allahu anhu

E. None of the above

F. I want to know

Answer CCC
✦ In the morning Khowla took the head of Hussain radi allahu anhuto Governor Ibn Ziyad and presented it to him on a platter. The governor had a small stick in his hand and he tapped it on the teeth of Imam Husain. Zaid bin al-'Arqam, a companion of our Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), was present at the governor's house. He said to Ibn Ziyad, "Do not tap your stick on those teeth. I have seen those teeth being kissed by our Prophet (sallalaho alihi wasallam) many times. Today you are hitting your stick on those same teeth" Ibn Ziyad said, "May Allah Most High curse you. If you were not an old man I would have your head cut off as well." Zaid bin Al'Arqam stood up and said "How evil you are, you have martyred the grandson of Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace)." Then he turned to the crowd and said "What kind of governor have you appointed that he is killing righteous people, curse on you all and on you Ibn Ziyad that you have made such a big mistake and you are not even ashamed of it. Anas radi allahu anhu was also present that time and opposed ibn ziyad.
✦ After the martyrdom of Hussain radi allahu anhu his head was sent to yazeed in syria , When the blessed head of Hussain was placed in front of Yazeed, Abu Barza Aslami , who was a companion of Rasool-Allah Sal-Allahu alaihi wasallam , was also in this gathering. Yazeed started poking or tapping the teeth of Hussain with a stick , When he did this, Abu Barza said: ‘Remove this stick from Hussains lips, I have seen RRasool-Allah Sal-Allahu alaihi wasallam kissing these with my own eyes.
Tarikh Ibn kathir, Book 4, The Chapter on karbala
Tarikh Al-Tabri, JIld 4, The Chapter on karbala

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