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Friday, April 27, 2018

❗ Only-Quran-Hadith Quiz 368❗

❗ Only-Quran-Hadith Quiz 368❗

❗ Kindly reply all three quiz like this AC / CD

❗ Quiz 1 : Who said to Hussain radi allahu anhu dont go kufa, I am afraid that you are going to be martyred in Kufa ?

A. Hasan radi allahu anhu

B. Abdullah ibn umar Radi allahu anhu

C. Abdullah ibn zubair Radi allahu anhu

D. Abdullah ibn Abbas Radi Allahu Anhu

E. None of the above

F. I want to know

❗ Quiz 2 : When many of the friends and relatives requested to Hussain radi allahu anhu not to go in kufa , that time who came in a dream of Hussain radi allahu anhu and after that he left for kufa ?

A. Hazrat Ali Radi Allahu anhu

B. Hazrat Fatima radi allahu anha

C. Hazrat Uthman Radi allahu anhu

D. Hazrat Jafar Radi allahu anhu

E. None of the above

F. I want to know

Answer DE
✦ The request of Abdullah bin Abbas
The next day Abdullah bin Abbas came to see Imam Husain and asked him whether he was leaving for Kufa .Imam Husain replied "This is true; I am going to Kufa because the people of Kufa dearly request me to come and help them overthrow Yazid, and Muslim bin Aqeel has reassured me about the sincerity of the people of Kufa. Abdullah bin Abbas said, "If they sincerely wanted you to come to Kufa, the people of Kufa by now should have overthrown the governor and made the position of governor vacant for you. You should write to them telling them that if they want you to come to Kufa then they should vacate the position of the governor and his house for you. If you go there while the governor is still there then they are not your supporters but your enemies, and they are inviting you to your death. If you still insist on going then my advice will be not to take your wife and children but to go on your own, as I am afraid that you are going to be martyred in Kufa. And after your death they will miss you dearly and if they are not present there they will not suffer as much harm. If you insist on leaving Makkah then I advise you to go to Yemen as there is plenty of land and mountains there where you can stay. Also from there you can send your representatives to different cities on your behalf to take allegiance for you. After listening to all this Imam Husain said, "I am still determined to go to Kufa." When Abdullah bin Abbas felt that Imam Husain had made up his mind, he rose and said, "O Martyr, I leave you in the hands of Allah Most High," as he knew in his heart that when Imam Husain reached Kufa his supporters would leave him and expose him to the governor's brutalities, and he would be killed.
✦ Letter from Abdullah bin Jafer
Abdullah bin Jaffer was in Makkah. He was the brother in-law of Imam Husain as he was married to Imam Husain's sister,Zainab. When he found out that Imam Husain had left Makkah and gone to Kufa, he wrote a letter and sent it to him with his two sons, Oun and Muhammad. In the letter he wrote:"By Allah Most High I am pleading with you to come back to Makkah and not go to Kufa, as when you reach Kufa you will be killed and your family will be destroyed. And Allah forbid, if you are martyred then your light of guidance, which is shining on the world, will extinguish. When the people are in desperate trouble they come to you in hope of seeking protection, and you are the beaconlight of faith and the centre of the Believers' hopes. So please do not delay in returning back to Makkah. I have left Makkah to meet you on the way."
When Imam Husain read the letter he did not take much notice of it but instead he told his two nephews, "I had a dream and saw our Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) and he has given me an order. Whether I will benefit or not I will obey what our Prophet has said. His nephews asked "What is the dream?" He replied, "I have not told anyone nor will I tell anyone until I meet my Lord." After that they carried on with the journey to Kufa and he took
his nephews with him.
Tarikh Ibn kathir, Book 4, The Chapter on karbala
Tarikh Al-Tabri, JIld 4, The Chapter on karbala

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