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Monday, May 7, 2018

❗Only-Quran-Hadith Quiz 432❗

❗Only-Quran-Hadith Quiz 432❗

❗ Kindly reply all three questions like this ACD / CDE

❗ There was a prophet to whom Allah subhanahu gave some command and said that its for you and for your people to follow, but that prophet was slow to deliver it and that time another prophet said to him either you command them (to your people), or I shall command them ?

Quiz 1 : How many commands was given to that prophet ?

A. 3

B. 5

C. 7

D. 10

E. None of the above

Quiz 2 : Who was that second prophet who said either you command them (to your people), or I shall command them ?

A. Musa Alaihi Salam

B. Loot Alaihi Salam

C. Ibrahim Alaihi salm

D. Yahya Alaihi salam

E. None of the above

Quiz 3 : Towards which people (nation) those prophets were sent ?

A. The People of Aad

B. Bani Israel

C. The People of samud

D. The people of loot

E. None of the above

F. I want to know

❗Answer BEB
Narrated Al-Harith Al-Ash'ari Radi Allahu Anhu that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Indeed Allah commanded Yahya bin Zakariyya with five commandments to abide by, and to command the Children of Isra'il to abide by them. But he was slow in doing so. So 'Eisa said: 'Indeed Allah commanded you with five commandments to abide by and to command the Children of Isra'il to abide by. Either you command them, or I shall command them.' So Yahya said: 'I fear that if you precede me in this, then the earth may swallow me, or I shall be punished.' So he gathered the people in Jerusalem, and they filled [the Masjid] and sat upon its balconies. So he said: 'Indeed Allah has commanded me with five commandments to abide by, and to command you to abide by.
1. The first of them is that you worship Allah and not associate anything with him.
2. And Allah commands you to perform Salat.
3. And He commands you with fasting.
4. And He commands you to give charity.
5. And He commands you to remember Allah.
jamia Tirmizi, Book 42, 2863-Sahih (Part)

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